Winter at Split Rock Lighthouse is a silent season that settles the soul.The light was exhibited for the first time on the night of August 1, 1910.
Split Rock Lighthouse
Fog rolling up the hill from the cool waters of Lake Superior, often times shrowds the hillsides around the lake.
Split Rock Lighthouse
Split Rock Lighthouse
Cast iron lantern with vertical astragals.
Split Rock Lighthouse
Early October brings cool temperatures and clear skies to the Lake Superior Region. On this October morning, Split Rock Lighthouse stood sentinal over the rising sun.
The golden light of a Superior Morning breaks across the waters of Lake Superior.
Late summer afternoon is the setting for a quiet August day at Split Rock Lighthouse.
Split Rock Lighthouse
Overlooking Split Rock Lighthouse on this warm October afternoon, you can see a 1000ft ore boat heading towards Duluth.
Split Rock Lighthouse
Split Rock Lighthouse
Filtered light of a September sunrise at Split Rock Lighthouse lights the spray of waves crashing on the shores of Lake Superior near Split Rock Lighthouse.
Split Rock Lighthouse
Autumn colors usually peak along Lake Superior in early October, this day was no exception, and the full beauty of the North Shore was revealed in all it glory on this warm afternoon.*
A full October moon backlights Split Rock Lighthouse on this beautiful October night.
Split Rock Lighthouse
Split Rock Lighthouse
Split Rock Lighthouse
January rollers come ashare at Split Rock Lighthouse.
Split Rock Lighthouse
Split Rock Lighthouse
The snow fell for three days straight and I know that when the weather broke and the blue skies rolled in, there was going to be some fantastic winter scenery on the North Shore. After two days the skied cleared up and the North Shore was dressed with a layer of white, unlike I had seen in many years. The winds remained calm, leaving the trees with snow clinging to them in an awsome display of Beauty.Split Rock Lighthouse was coated with snow, leaving an image to behold.
The snow fell for three days straight and I know that when the weather broke and the blue skies rolled in, there was going to be some fantastic winter scenery on the North Shore. After two days the skied cleared up and the North Shore was dressed with a layer of white, unlike I had seen in many years. The winds remained calm, leaving the trees with snow clinging to them in an awsome display of Beauty.Split Rock Lighthouse was coated with snow, leaving an image to behold.
November 10th
Split Rock Lighthouse
Split Rock Lighthouse
Split Rock Lighthouse
Split Rock Lighthouse
Split Rock Lighthouse
Split Rock Lighthouse
Split Rock Lighthouse
Split Rock Lighthouse
Split Rock Lighthouse
A heavy snow blanketed the North Shore of Lake Superior and piled high on the mountain ash berries near Split Rock Lighthouse. This beautiful winter afternoon brought quiet to the woods and rest to the soul. Gods created beauty could be found everywhere in the splendor of the landscape.
Split Rock Lighthouse
The snow fell for three days straight and I know that when the weather broke and the blue skies rolled in, there was going to be some fantastic winter scenery on the North Shore. After two days the skied cleared up and the North Shore was dressed with a layer of white, unlike I had seen in many years. The winds remained calm, leaving the trees with snow clinging to them in an awsome display of Beauty.Split Rock Lighthouse was coated with snow, leaving an image to behold.
Split Rock Lighthouse
A passing low pressure area cleared skies and stirred up Lake Superior on this beautiful April afternoon.The waves thundered onto the shore in an awsome display of the forces of nature and the beauty of God's creation.I was once again humbled to know how small I was and how great God is.
A 40 knot Northeast wind pushes the icy water of Lake Superior onto the licten covered rocks at Split Rock Lighthouse State Park.
January 22 - Split Rock SilhouetteThe rising moon's light backlights the Split Rock Lighthouse and highlights the scattered clouds to produce a stunning winter scene.One night out of the year, the moon rises in the perfect location and creeps up the cliff's backside, suddenly appearing behind the lighthouse filling its role in the universal clockwork of God's creation.The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety. Psa 18:2Thank you, Lord, for creating the conditions to highlight the North Shore on a cold winter night and glorify you in the world and heavens.
On and off snow showers throughout the day made it questionable whether or not it would be possible to photograph Split Rock Lighthouse on this January evening. The January Full moon is the only night of the year when it’s possible to photograph the lighthouse and moon together from this particular angle. I decided to take my chances and make the one-hour drive to the lighthouse and hope that the sky would clear and the moon would be visible.As it turned out, it was a beautiful evening on the ice-covered shores of Lake Superior, and the +5F temperature made it quit pleasant. I was able to enjoy a nice chat with a few other photographers who had already arrived and we all scratched our heads, trying to figure out where exactly the moon would come up.It wasn't long before the first glow of the moon popped through the scattered clouds, and everyone adjusted their tripods and lenses to capture a most incredible and relatively rare sight.I fiddled with my camera controls making adjustments for the changing light, and took a dozen pictures while the moon transited through the horizon. It was an unforgettable sight, and one I hope you enjoy.On the drive home, I though about the history of this wonderful lighthouse which has stood sentinel atop the 160 foot cliff for nearly 100 years. I though about the old light keepers who hauled supplies from the lake up the steep cliff and faithfully tended to the beacon, in good weather and bad. They must have watched the January full moon rise with the same awe that we do today.Split Rock has withstood the elements for so long because of its solid rock foundation. Rocks have always represented the strength and power of our creator God, and that is why his creation reveals his attributes in such magnificent ways.The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety. Psa 18:2
December 14th - December Full Moon at Split RockThe moon passes behind Split Rock Lighthouse as it slips into the heavens.And God made the two great lights—the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night—and the stars. Genesis 1:16
February 6 - The February Full "Snow" Moon passes behind Split Rock Lighthouse on its appointed trajectory through the night skies. When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon, and the stars, which you have set in place. Psalm 8:3